Contact & Directions
Office hours
Our Office is open 7 days a week from 8:00am-5:00pm
We welcome after hours check-ins for guests with reservations and walk in guests
Please visit our after hours registration/check in desk to the left of the office door for easy instructions and directions to your site
On site after hours number is available on office door
120 Este Es Rd, Taos, NM 87571

Directions & Getting Here
A mere 2.8 miles south of the Historic Taos Plaza, and only 20 miles from the famous Taos Ski Valley, Taos Valley RV Park is one of the most beautiful places in Taos. Join us for a day, several days, a week, a month or a season or two. There is always something to do in and around Taos.
Taos Valley RV Park
From Santa Fe
The Beautiful but more direct route: (also called The Gorge Road)
From Santa Fe: US Route 285/84 North to Espanola past the Native American Pueblos of Tesuque, Pojoaque, Nambe and O’Ke Owinghe.
At Embudo, Spanish for “Funnel”, the road narrows as it enters the Rio Grande Gorge with the river on your left. The road continues to climb, winding its way through the rocky gorge to the high-desert area of Taos. Continue straight through the small settlement of Ranchos de Taos, site of the most-photographed and painted church in New Mexico, St. Francis of Assisi.
Continue to the stoplight at Este Es Road and turn right.
Taos Valley RV Park is 1/10 mile on your right.
From Fort Garland Colorado
This is basically a straight road into Taos. No major turns, only route number changes.
Colorado Rte 159 South through the town of San Luis, the oldest settlement in Colorado.
At the New Mexico border, Rte. 159 becomes Rte. 522. Continue through the town of Questa.
Rte. 522 becomes US 64 at a major intersection on the north side of Taos.
Continue straight through the center of Taos where US. 64 becomes Rte. 68. Continue South through the intersection of 68/585. (Do not follow sign back to US 64).
Turn left at the stoplight onto Este Es Road.
TVRV is 1/10 mile on the right.
From Raton
South on US 25 to Rte 64 East to Cimarron.
Continue on 64 to Eagle Nest past the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
You are now on the southern arc of the Enchanted Circle.
Turn left onto Rte 585 to the intersection with Rte 68.
Turn Left (South) on 68.
In less than a mile, you will turn left at the stoplight onto Este Es Road.
Taos Valley RV Park is 1/10 mile ahead.